Tuesday 1 January 2013

Mary, Mother of God, pray for us in 2013

We wish our readers a very Happy New Year and simultaneously make a resolution to update this blog a little more often...

Today, of course, is the Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God.  Could there be a better day on which to pray for pro-life causes; for a change in the modern world's attitude to the dignity and sanctity of human life from conception to natural death and to its approach to human sexuality?

Today many hold very different concepts of "human rights" and "self-fulfilment" to those proposed by Christianity.  Crucially, they also hold different concepts of "compassion" and "solidarity".  For Christians, all the aforementioned are found in obedience, humility, self-sacrifice and carrying the Cross. They are also found in the true love of neighbour which walks with others and supports them in challenging circumstances, rather than encouraging them to simply opt out - an option which may seem the easy solve-all, but which rarely is and often brings ultimately more destructive consequences in its wake.

It is all about Love which is linked to Truth, because without this essential link Love becomes denatured and no longer allows us to help others towards what is truly best for them.

Our Lady in her motherhood is, with Christ Himself, our ultimate model of these virtues and in a way which speaks particularly obviously to those facing the challenge of unplanned pregnancy.  At the same time she is our ultimate model of strength combined with gentleness and kindness, qualities needed not only by every parent but by those who seek to support them.  As "pro-lifers" let us ask Our Mother's intercession for all those facing difficult situations with regard to pregnancy, fertility, disability, illness and old age, and for ourselves that we may have the self-sacrificial courage to be with them all the way in helping them choose and carry through the life-affirming options amongst the many they will be presented with.

Our Lady, Mother of God and Queen of the Family, pray for us!

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